Microaggressions are not new to the workplace, but concerted action and education make a big impact. The best approach is to raise awareness, educate your teams on how to recognize microaggressions when they occur, be an active bystander, identify peer leaders, and integrate an inclusive culture throughout the organization. This Forum supports ACEC members who have interest in understanding microaggressions and supporting bystander intervention efforts within their own organization.
Join Mary Hall, GZA, and Lori Chicoyne, Weston & Sampson, DEI Forum Co-Chairs, who will facilitate a session that will provide you with tips, ideas, and materials to use as you get started, or reinvigorated, in your journey to mitigate microaggressions in the workplace.
This meeting is open to employees of ACEC/MA Member Firms.
If your firm is an ACEC/MA member, YOU are an ACEC/MA member.
Important: You must use the account, including the username and password, of the individual you wish to register.
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Please note: Altering your name or contact information during registration may overwrite your record in our membership database.
If you have additional questions regarding registration, please contact us at 617/227-5551 or tecet@engineers.org.
The Engineering Center Education Trust | One Walnut Street, Boston MA 02108-3616