Friday, December 11, 2020
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Wendy Lathrop, PLS, CFM
Owner of Cadastral Consulting
Adversity in Action: Understanding Adverse Possession
All the colorful descriptors for adverse possession (open, notorious, hostile, exclusive, continuous) just scratch the surface of this means of claiming title to land. What gives rise to this claim, how is it pursued, and what is its effect on either clarifying or further muddying the chain of title? Is there a difference between adverse possession claims and trespassing? Is it true that there can be no adverse claims against a governmental entity? After examining some history of this doctrine, statutes and case law will help us better understand it and the role of surveyors in supporting or refuting adverse claims.
Disputes Between Adjoining Landowners
A half-day session on the ins and outs of boundary disputes between adjoiners and the role the professional surveyor should play in those disputes. Surveyors often find there is more than one opinion as to the location of boundary lines between adjoiners. Disagreements and their legally prescribed resolutions are discussed, including adverse possession, quiet title actions, estoppel, boundary line commissions, and agreements.
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